In support of physical security, in the form of close protection, Broadstone Risks monitored in real-time, key words and images and relevant data, all international social media sites and dark web activity. Over 167 languages, and the geo-fencing of strategic locations, including the arrival and departure airports, hotels, travel routes, and key locations that the client would be near to and attending. The analysts were integrated into a live communication system with the security team to provide an overwatch capability.
The use of Broadstone technology highlighted no imminent threats to the brand, or high profile client in Europe. It did however reveal a previously unidentified threat from an individual in the United States. The individual had posted a series of disturbing images and threats. The information gained in the preceding deep dive of their social media content, produced a detailed report identifying a name, address and social media accounts across a number of platforms, and a criminal history relevant to the public threats. With this information, the future operational requirements of the close protection for the client could be made more relevant, and an ongoing programme of threat monitoring established, while legal advice was obtained.